יום רביעי


I feel the rhythm,
The rhythm that is
Constantly around me,
As I communicate
Through my mind
The emotions pervading me.

Everything needs rhythm
And of everything
I, the human
Need it most.

Everything is where
And what it is
Because of rhythm.

I, the human
Am the only creature
That can add questions
And understanding
To rhythm.

There is a rhythm
That permeates
All I do,
From sleeping
To going to the grocery
To dying.

I may,
At some brief moments
Be out of tune
With rhythm,
But it is still
Why I am.

When I move
With rhythm and perhaps
Feel it brush gently
Against me
There is harmony
Within me,
Within my life.

I feel a worth
In and of being.
Without being cognizant
Of the rhythm
I know I simply
Feel good.

In this state rain,
Lightening and even thunder
Possess an awe-inspiring beauty.

When, for some reason,
The rhythm of my living
Is upset
then discord ensues
And even sunlight
Can be frightening.

When this state exists
I long for and even seek
I wish to simply
Feel good again.

Rocks, wind, water
And anything else
That is non-living
Exists in and are
Because of rhythm.
All living things
Also exist within rhythm
But also use it to procreate.

I, the human
Also seek the harmony
Of that rhythm
In order to feel good.
To me rhythm is pleasure
And it is this pleasure
I seek.

I am
The only animal
That creates a rhythm
Of my own
Inside the larger rhythm
Of life.

The true poet
Listens to and expresses
The rhythms of life
More acutely than anyone.

Feeling this rhythm
Is what gives me
The ability to write poetry.

Knowing that it exists
In all things
Gives me the ability
To understand a poem.

Copyright © Daubmir 2007-All contents.
The moral rights of the author have been asserted.
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